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SIS Equity Site: Newsletters

Hidden Curriculum: What is it and how can we be more aware?

by Sarah Ducharme on 2021-12-03T15:42:00+08:00 | 0 Comments

Welcome to our Equity newsletter for December! 


In this post, we will...

  • Share an announcement from ISS
  • Share reflections from the Danau Tanu PD session
  • Define and give examples of the concept "Hidden Curriculum"
  • Suggest ways to create more awareness for yourself and your students around each other's identities
  • Provide a place for your feedback and thoughts


  • ISS的最新公告
  • 分享Danau Tanu 培训的感想
  • 定义隐藏课程的概念并举例说明
  • 建议一些让你和你的学生对彼此的身份有更多认识的方法
  • 为你的反馈和想法提供一个空间


ISS Announces their new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) officer:


 Joel Jr Llaban will serve as the full-time DEIJ officer for all ISS schools and the organization in   general, beginning August 2022

 Read about him HERE

 To follow him on twitter:

Joel Jr Llaban将从2022年8月开始担任ISS所有学校和组织的全职DEIJ官员

 请点击链接阅读他的完整信息 HERE



Reflections from the Danau Tanu session on November 19:

11月19日Danau Tanu 培训的感想:

  • 18 members of our whole school took the time to reflect on our whole school PD session with Danau. We are hoping for more engagement from faculty and staff with this work moving forward.  Justice will not happen for our students if it doesn’t start from the adults.  
  • Whilst there were members who questioned her methodology, she gave us one lens that can give us a view into how colonial structures are harming our students. From the 18 responses, most agreed that there needs to more of a deep-dive into understanding our student population.  A few suggested more work needs to be done to understand microaggressions and intersectionality and how they play into our school structures, host country, and our student and staff population. 

People talk about micro aggressions. I think we all need to understand what they are and how they are perceived in daily lives here in SIS” - SIS staff member who wishes to remain anonymous. 

Next steps suggested by the 18 staff members:

  • Create an SIS DEIJ Mission Statement  

  • Dedicate whole school meeting time to delve into readings and research and participate in discussions 

  • Decolonize curriculum and resources and ensure diverse representation in classroom books 

  • De-Center Celebrations from a western focus 

  • Define international mindedness and equity and describe what it looks like at SIS 

  • Intentionally include of student voice 

  • Offer tangible strategies 

  • Re-examine the roles of TA positions, funding, and professional development 

  • Continue the conversation (Please complete the questionnaire at the end of this newsletter!)

我们学校的18名员工花时间回顾了Danau Tanu给我校员工带来的培训。我们希望更多的教职员工参与进来,让公平体现在每个人的身上。




  • 创建SIS DEIJ任务声明
  • 利用全校会议时间进行研究和讨论
  • 对课程和资源进行非殖民化,确保课堂教材的多样化
  • 对西方庆祝活动进行去中心化
  • 定义国际思维和公平,并描述它在SIS的样子
  • 要有意地听听来自学生的声音
  • 提供切实可行的策略
  • 重新审视助教职位、经费和职业发展的作用
  • 继续对话



  • Structural Racism: A system in which public policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other norms work in various, often reinforcing ways to perpetuate racial group inequity. It identifies dimensions of our history and culture that have allowed privileges associated with “whiteness” and disadvantages associated with “color” to endure and adapt over time. Structural racism is not something that a few people or institutions choose to practice. Instead it has been a feature of the social, economic and political systems in which we all exist. (via The Aspen Institute)


  • Hidden Curriculum refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and often unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school. While the “formal” curriculum consists of the courses, lessons, and learning activities students participate in, as well as the knowledge and skills educators intentionally teach to students, the hidden curriculum consists of the unspoken or implicit academic, social, and cultural messages that are communicated to students while they are in school. (via Ed Glossary)


结构性种族主义:公共政策、制度实践、文化表征和其他以各种方式发挥作用的体系,往往强化种族群体不平等。它存在于我们的历史和文化的各个方面,这些方面允许与“白人”相关的特权和与“肤色”相关的劣势随着时间的推移而持续。结构性种族主义不是少数人或机构选择去实践的东西。相反,它一直是我们所处的社会、经济和政治制度的一个特征。(via The Aspen Institute)

“隐性课程”指的是学生在学校里学到的不成文的、非官方的、经常是无意中学到的课程、价值观和观点。而“正式”课程由课程,学习活动,以及教育工作者有意地教给学生的知识和技能,隐性课程通过不言而喻的或隐含的学术、社会和文化等传达给在校的学生。(via Ed Glossary)

  • Video with full article


What Is the Potential for Harm?


There are two areas where a lack of understanding of the hidden curriculum can be particularly harmful for our students: 

  • Language – expecting students to use English all the time is harmful.
    • English is our language of instruction, but should not be expected as the language of inclusion. Everyone's language is equally valuable as a way to socialize and learn from each other
  • Race – expecting someone to behave a certain way based on stereotypes about their race or culture
    • "He's Asian so he should be good at math"
    • "She's African so she should be a fast runner"


  • 语言—让学生一直使用英语是有害的。英语是我们的教学语言,但不应该被认定成为包容的语言。每个人的语言都是一种社交和相互学习的方式,有同样的价值。
  • 种族—期望某人基于他人对他们种族或文化的刻板印象做出相应的表现(他是亚洲人,所以他应该擅长数学。她是非洲人,所以她应该跑得很快)


Examples of the Hidden Curriculum: 


  • A teacher asks two students who are speaking Korean during a class project to use English instead. This conveys that English is the preferred language and limits their ability to learn the content as deeply.  
  • 在一个课堂中,一名老师让两个说韩语的学生改说英语。这就像学生表明了英语才是首选语言,同时也限制了他们深入学习内容的能力。


  • A teacher objects to a Korean student calling her "Teacher" not realizing that is a respectful way to address a teacher in Korean culture. This conveys a lack of understanding about the child's culture and assumes a negative intention.
  • 一名老师反对一名韩国学生叫她“老师“,没有意识到在韩国文化中这是对老师的尊重。这表达了对孩子的文化缺乏了解,并带有消极的意图。


  • A teacher remarks negatively on a cultural eating habit (such as eating with plastic gloves) in the lunchroom, calling the habit "So Chinese". This conveys a sense that there is something wrong with that way of eating. 
  • 一位老师对一种文化的饮食习惯(比如戴着塑料手套吃饭)进行了负面评价,称这种习惯“太中国化了”。这传达了一种感觉,那就是这个习惯有问题。


  • A school hires mainly white teachers. This conveys to students and parents that western teachers are preferred and that non-western teachers are of less value to the school's programs.
  • 学校主要雇佣西方或白人教师。这向学生和家长传达了这样一种信息:他们更喜欢西方教师,而非西方教师对学校课程的价值更低。


  • A school's policy is to hire only "Native English speakers" but really only hires English speakers with Western accents (British, American, Australian, New Zealand).  This conveys some English accents are better than others (the English of the colonizers).
  • 学校的政策是只雇佣“母语为英语的人”,但实际上只雇佣有西方口音的人(英国人、美国人、澳大利亚人、新西兰人)。这表明这些人的英语口音比其他人的口音更好(移民的英语)。


  • The teacher organizes groups of children by gender. This conveys that there are only two clear genders, which is not accepting of transgender and non-binary people. 
  • 老师按性别把孩子们分组。这传达了只有两种明确的性别,即不接受跨性别者和非二元性人。


via Hafferty & Finn (2014) and this post on Medium


How Can We be More Aware of The Hidden Curriculum in our School?


The first step to awareness is understanding.

To understand the perspectives of others, we need to make time for identity work. When we increase ourCopyright: ©Mary Long - understanding of our students' and each other's identities, we will be more aware of aspects of our hidden curriculum that can cause harm.

  • Consider ways to learn more about your students, their values, their culture.
  • Consider ways to share your own identity and values with your students and your colleagues. 
    • Handout with prompts to build cultural awareness and learn about the various identities in your classes.



  • 想办法更多地了解你的学生、他们的价值观和文化。
  • 想办法与你的学生和同事分享你的身份和价值观。
  • 切实可行的策略:利用本简报上的提示来建立文化意识,并了解课堂上的各种身份。


What Do You Think?


  • What have you seen and noticed in your classroom and/or in our school that is part of the hidden curriculum?  
  • What actions might you take as you become aware of this? 
  • 你在你的教室和/或我们学校的隐藏课程中看到和注意到了什么?
  • 当你意识到这一点时,你会采取什么行动?



Thank you for Learning With Us!



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