We hope you found the session with Danau Tanu thought-provoking.
Please share your experiences and wishes for our school on this form.
Although optional, we hope many of you will share your experiences and thoughts. Your comments may be kept anonymous if you wish. Or, you may choose to allow us to share your comments with our community to help everyone learn how to be more aware of any underlying racism that exists in the SIS community.
Who Are We?
The SIS Equity Taskforce is a group of teachers and administrators. We are learning alongside our colleagues and know that we may make mistakes along the way. Please let us know of anything that causes you discomfort and please reach out to any of us - anytime - with questions, concerns, or ideas.
The Taskforce welcomes new members any time during the school year. SIS wants all voices represented as we move forward to create a more equitable climate in our school.
We aim to...
You may contact any members at any time. Please indicate the level of confidentiality you desire in your note.
Resources from Danau's Talk: