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IB Taking Notes: Home

Why bother?

It's not about good handwriting

Taking notes (by hand) is one of the best ways to not only remember what you read, hear or learn, but also helps you to make connections and think more deeply on the topic.   It helps because it ensures you are

  • listening actively in class
  • thinking about what you're writing
  • Sifting out the important ideas

Of course, not everyone learns the same way, nor is every task the same; fortunately, there are different note-taking styles to use and adapt to what best suits you. 

imagesource: flaticon

Active Reading / Listening

It's not enough to just read a text over and over. You need to interact with the content in an active, critical way. What does that mean?

  • Skim once to get the gist
  • Find the main idea
  • Ask questions
  • Highlight words you don't know
  • Write comments or compare with other things you've read

Remember, use a highlighter only for important ideas.  It's not helpful to highlight everything!

Passive Reading / Notetaking

How to Take Great Notes

Active Reading / Note-making

This guide was created by Jeri Hurd, at Western Academy of Beijing, and used with permission. See it HERE.