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8 Science: Find Information

Use this guide for Grade 8 Science


What is the synthetic material? What is its purpose?

What are the natural resources that make the synthetic? Where do they come from?

What are the properties of the synthetic material that make it useful for its purpose? Why is using the synthetic material good?
Why is using the synthetic material NOT good? (Consider harvesting and processing)

Are there possible alternatives that are better? Or is moderation a better solution?

Science Magazines

   Search Tips:

  • Identify Key Words: Write out questions, circle necessary words, anticipate words in the answer
  • Use Booleans to narrow or broaden your search (And, Or, Not)
  • Use truncation (*) to catch more results (for example: creat* will bring create, creation, creating...)
  • Use quotation marks to keep exact phrases together ("Florida Marlins")
  • Use wildcards (?) to catch various spellings or meanings (wom?n brings woman and women)
  • Use a minus sign to filter out irrelevant results (-fish)
  • Filter results with "Search Tools" in Google
  • Search for files and scans using " filetype:pdf" in a search
  • Limit results by domain, such as .gov  .edu  .cn
  • Limit to terms in the title of a site or article with "intitle:"

Sample Search String:

  • "amnesty international"    iran   intitle:execution*    site:http://.gov    "cultur* impact"    -oil

Using Google? Choose Advanced Search

Build a search string with Boolify - a puzzle-style google search

Search or Browse for various topics - no password needed!

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Source Reference via InfoBase

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Carrot - A search engine for browsing

Search Engine that gives categorized results - great for browsing

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