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8 Science: PSA Project

Use this guide for Grade 8 Science

Your Task!

  • Create a public service announcement about the consequences of using an everyday material made from a synthetic material to help achieve SDG 12.

Your Role:

  • You are a G8 student who is environmentally aware of the impact of synthetic materials.

Your Audience:

  • Other students at SIS

The Scenario:

  • You have learned about what synthetic materials are and that they are made from natural resources. However, sometimes these natural resources are not being used in a environmentally friendly way. While large scale service initiatives can be challenging, there are changes that can be made in our day-to-day life if we are more aware of the consequences of our decisions to use the synthetic product.

Your Product:

  • You need to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to bring awareness to using the common synthetic material. The PSA should be made to target the audience mentioned above. It can be any multimedia format that you wish but should be easily shared for maximum impact.

The PSA should answer:

  • What is the synthetic material and what is its purpose?
  • What are the natural resources that make the synthetic and where do they come from?
  • What are the properties of the synthetic material that make it useful for its purpose?
  • Why is using the synthetic material good?
  • Why is using the synthetic material bad (impact to where it is harvested)?
  • Are there possible alternatives that are better or is moderation a better solution?
  • What could the audience to take action?

Sample PSA Videos

How to Create a PSA

PSA Styles to Consider:

  • Spokesperson
  • Voiceover
  • Live Action (audience infers the message based on characters words, actions, and the scene)
  • The Silent Treatment (silent film)

You can also use combinations of these styles

Choose Your Topic:

  • Petroleum (natural resource)
  • Plastic
  • Cotton
  • Leather
  • Soybean Oil
  • Various Metal Ores and Minerals
    • Gold (natural resource)
    • Cadmium (natural resource)
    • Silver (natural resource)
    • Copper (natural resource)
    • Cobalt (natural resource)
  • Sugar
  • Steel
  • Concrete
  • Gasoline
  • Coffee (natural resource)
  • Polyester
  • Styrofoam
  • Carbon Fiber
  • Nylon