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A guide for the PYP Exhibition at Shekou International School

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SIS buys these databases and subscriptions because....

  • They offer high-quality information
  • These sources are targeted to your age
  • They will provide background information about your topic

Newsela has articles about various topics

Once you find an interesting article, you can choose to read it at different reading levels

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Britannica School is an encyclopedia with general information about many topics.

See "Reading Levels" to choose easier words first. Once you understand well, you can try the more challenging words if you want.

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PebbleGo has information organized by topics with video and text

Username: shekou Password: school 

Listenwise has short audio news and information-based articles. 

Try "Current Events" and also the Science sections 


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Country Reports gives information about each country in the world!

Log in with our school information:

  • Username: shekou
  • Password: library

Try Q-Files for geographical or historical background information about your topic

Log In: You must open Q-Files from our special link by clicking the logo on the left 

Sites for Current Events:


  • Choose easier or harder text along the top
  • Browse categories or search
  • Choose easier or harder text along the top







  • Access most features without a subscription