In this lesson, you will learn....
A word about abbreviations and symbols:
Common Abbreviations
Handy Symbols to know
Want to PRINT this sheet?
Optional: Lots more abbreviations
Ways to use Color
Ways to show Hierarchy
A word about highlighting....
How does Sketchnoting enhance your learning?
How to Sketchnote?
Mix it up! Add sketchnotes to your Cornell-style notes
Review (also called "Revise") means going over information to relearn it, usually for a test!
Review Strategies:
Next-Level Strategies: Up your game with these
1) Create a "one-pager" a single sheet that represents the information you are learning.
2) Another kind of One-Pager is a CONCEPT MAP!
3) Create smaller notebooks made of cards and tape - see the video below
Coming soon!