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7 Science: Scientist Groups 1 & 2

Choose a scientist and explore his or her discoveries. Be able to explain how those discoveries have had an impact on our world today. In class, you will speak as if you are that person to create a living timeline about the history of atomic advancements.

Atomic Scientists 1

Democritus: Greek philosopher who came up with the term Atoms

Credit: ImageQuest

John Dalton: Billiard ball atomic theory


Source: ImageQuest

Dimitri Mendeleev: Arranged elements into 7 groups with similar properties. This became the periodic table.

Max Planck: Discovered quanta energy packets

J.J. Thomson: Used cathode rays to discover particles had an electric charge

Atomic Scientists 2

James Clerk Maxwell: Electric fields fill the void space within an atom

Source: ImageQuest

Sir William Crookes: Discovered cathode rays and crooke tubes

G.J. Stoney: Proposed that electricity was made of discrete negative particles he called electrons

Marie Curie: Discovered the radioactive elements polonium and radium. Marie was the first person awarded two Nobel prizes!

Source: ImageQuest